Yoga has caught the imagination of the world. Whilst it originated in India, there is possibly no country on the planet where it is not practiced today. Asana refers to the physical aspect of yoga as well as to particular postures. Though the postures are mostly inspired by nature, there are also those that depict revered deities.
However, Yoga is much more than something one does on a mat. It is a philosophy. Besides asanas, it encompasses pranayama (breathing exercises), dhyana (meditation), yamas (codes of social conduct), niyamas (self observances), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), and samadhi (bliss). Simply put, Yoga nurtures all aspects of the human personality to help us make the most of our lives.
Asana means a state of being in which one remains physically and mentally steady, calm and comfortable while in a specific physical posture.
Asana helps to steady an otherwise restless or lethargic body. In turn it helps to steady the mind since the two are interconnected. Any blockages or knots in one manifest in the other. Asana combined with pranayama (breathing exercise), and yogic relaxation, can tackle such knots and blockages. The results are the release of dormant energy; the body becoming full of vitality; the mind becoming calm, creative, joyful and balanced.
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